Dear friends,

Today we finished our final trip for the time being. Since it was raining much and there was a lot of wind regularly, we decided to go straight to our winterquarters.

We had a rough trip from Chiloë to Puerto Monnt. It was a worthy closure of our trip through the Channels.
We started at 14.00 to leave the islands, musselfarms and salmonera's in time before it went dark at 17.30..
The forecast was South-winds 10-15 knots.
Of course we picked almost the longest night and there was no moon. So it was pitchdark and cold. But we could have known that beforehand.
At 18.00 however it suddenly started to blow and rain from the S and it never stopped, We had 25-32 knots all night.
To arrive in daylight we were going much to fast, Therefore we sailed 14 hours, with a very small jib of about 2 square meters, doing between 5 and 4 knots.
Because of that small sail we were rolling heavily from port to starboard and it rained most of the time. It was like a cakewalk. So sleeping was not easy. And the fact that the anchor-alarm went of every few minutes didn't help either. After a long search it turned out that the shallow-alarm triggered the anchor-alarm while both were switched off. So much for Raymarine.
So we're happy to be here now for the next few months.

We are going to be lazy for some months. We are looking forward to a quiet time. We'll do some travelling inland. On the second of August we leave for Europe and we come back the 30th of October.

Love from Peter and Paula